Ninth Week
It's the first week of November, which means next week will be the time I will be performing a group dance with my fellow dancers. Thinking that this week would be great, I was totally wrong. After having an okay day of school on Monday, I was left alone for a few hours seeing as my mom was working till midnight and my dad and brother were out in Sidney, fishing. When my dad called the house and told me to cook rice and wash the dishes. I had discovered that in the dishwasher, a mug and a plate were broken into 2-3 pieces and a glass cup was starting to crack on one side. So I went out across the street, to the dollar store to see if they had any superglue that was able to hold ceramic. During my time in the dollar store I saw a fellow Reynolds Graduate, Kristy, working at the cashier and a fellow writing classmate, Emma. We had talked about what was soon to be due for writing class the next day. After buying the glue and a pair of earphones, I went home to repair the mug and finish doing my chores before my dad and brother came home from Sidney. Trying to open the packaging was difficult and I had resorted to using a pair of scissors which then resulted into me stabbing myself in the hand.That started my bad luck for the week.
Tuesday I was closing the house door for my brother, when he pushes the door and hits my hand and really close to my face.
On Thursday morning, I was running late to school and had to walk 10 minutes over here. Carrying my biology binder and English novel I started to walk down the staircase in the foyer. But with my bad luck this week, I had missed a step and fell down the rest of the way down. I had bruised my knees and elbows, hurt my chest, and got hit in the stomach with my binder. The only good thing about that day was that nobody saw me fall down the stairs. So I went the day slightly embarrassed.
On Friday, I found out I had popped my shoulder out of its socket due to the pain in my left arm. When I got home I saw that my shoulder was bruised and it was not the same as the other one.
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