Friday, December 11, 2015

Fourteenth Week

The Christmas sweater I wore on Tuesday night
What a busy week. It's the second to last week before winter break and I have already gotten my grad photos at lunch on Tuesday, finished doing a dance performance on Tuesday night. A biology dissection lab on a sheep's brain on Wednesday morning. And Thursday at lunch  I was helping teach a dance for the teachers, that I am still trying to learn. 

During Tuesday, I had dance classes before school and at lunch. Later that evening I had gotten ready for a dance performance that I was doing for dance class. I spent hours at school stretching, practicing, and waiting to perform in the outside hallway of the theatre and the small space near the gym. When I was done performing, I changed into a warmer shirt and went to my locker to get my dance bag. Me and my friend, Claire, went on a walk around the school till the next act was gonna start. I was able to watch the first few, but missed the last two acts due to my dad calling me. I felt a little bad not being able to see my friend, Sam's, monologue that night.

During Thursday's dance lesson, we had a few teachers show up in the theater to learn the choreography that was made a few weeks ago. First showing how the dance goes we were able to teach the moves step by step. After going over the dance a bunch of times, we watched the teachers dance it. A few of them had gotten the moves down, while some where having difficulty with some parts. Quite a busy day filled with dancing and teaching choreography.

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